
Enabling Sustainable Change with People

Change is a constant in organizations. Many times the organization’s success depends upon its ability to respond to the change— to stop having arguments and really resolve conflicts; and to stop complaining and take responsibility for themselves instead of relying on the organization to take care of them. These are skills that can be learned. We can facilitate and prepare your organization for whatever comes along next—to see the possibilities, make good decisions, and deliver good results.

This area is a cornerstone of our firm. Without people having the skills to do things differently, their behavior doesn’t change and the results don’t change.

Change also comes to individuals – new assignments, job transition, layoffs, or mergers. In any of these situations a candidate must understand their value and what they bring to the new situation. We provide skills evaluation and career consulting to ensure that options are available.

Our Specialty Areas Include:

  • Team and Individual Skills Evaluation
  • Team and Individual Skills Development/Coaching
  • Individual Career Coaching/Development (including resume evaluation; resume update; LinkedIn update)

Below is a list of all of our courses.  Each course is tailored to your desired results.  Call us to discuss which course can best meet your needs.

Our courses come in two flavors – ‘Open to the Public’ and ‘In-House’. With an ‘Open to the Public’ course, attendees from different companies and organizations participate.  With an ‘In-House’ course, attendees from only your company or organization participate.


Key Benefits for You:

  • Our solutions are customized specifically for your organization and your issues. 
  • The skills learned are directly applicable to both business and personal situations. 
  • These skills help immediately, AND, in the future — you don’t have to ‘call us back’ for your next project.
  • We work with all levels of the organization.
  • One-on-one and telephone consulting is also available.

Call us to discuss how we can assist you in gaining these benefits!

Interface Consulting LLC is a licensed distributor of courses by Susan Van Vleet Consultants Inc®.