IntegratingSolutions Across Boundaries
Leading withPurpose
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Mergers, acquisitions, project implementation, downsizing, rightsizing, and rapid growth – all are challenges to today’s business success. People need new processes, new skills, and new tools to produce new sustainable results. They must be able to change their behavior, and work together cooperatively to solve problems. The thinking that was successful in the past won’t solve the new problems. 

Interface Consulting provides consulting, development, and training across process, skills, tools.  We enable change by solving problems and integrating solutions across people, project, and information boundaries.  We can deliver for you a solution that is seamless, streamlined, sustainable, and contributes directly to your bottom line.

Call us today to discuss how we can help you achieve, and sustain, your results!



“I am absolutely pleased with the outcome of my resume update. Even after a month of Sundays, there is absolutely no way I could have created this document. I am thankful for your skill and guidance through this process.”

In-Transition Candidate about Resume Update Process


“I want to thank you with all my heart for championing the Women Moving Forward course and giving women like me the opportunity to attend. What I anticipated as being an informative few days turned out to be life-changing.”

Tammy about Women Moving Forward®


“If you are stuck, if you want to know you’re on the right path, if you are looking for support, if you want some dedicated time to self-reflection, if you want dedicated time for self-development…TAKE THIS COURSE! Lorrie is great.”

Amber about Women Moving Forward®
