
Optimizing Your Team’s Thinking Differences!

Is your team driving you nuts? Do you ever feel like they are conspiring to purposefully mess with your head when you are trying to set a direction? Have you ever had the situation where you had to get a project team to agree, conceptually, with a project direction? Some of the team members will go along with the conversation – giving their input as you go. Others focus on the details of ‘how’ things will be done. If you

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Are You Ready For The Change Business?

I have the pleasure of working across many different industries.  Each industry provides its own, unique set of challenges.  Lately, though, I have been seeing more in common across the industries.  The commonality is the challenge of change.  While many organizations are focused on the changes within their own place, others are now understanding that THEY are actually the change for their customers.  If, for example, anyone implementing a project is implementing a change for the customers of the project. 

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