This powerful new course endeavors to answer the question, “What does it take to be successful, satisfied, and a man in today’s corporate world?”
Many men who have achieved significantly in their lives still live subject to the emotional turmoil of the next economic downturn or unfavorable critique from the new boss. In spite of stellar results, setbacks disproportionately affect our self-esteem in a negative way. How is it we have defined ourselves, as men, that no amount of success makes us immune to the whims of corporate ups and downs?
The common male trait of suppressing and controlling emotions sabotages men at many levels. They end up clogged with unexpressed emotion. They suppression also prevents them from integrating their successes into their self-esteem — which starts to explain why men take success for granted and take setbacks way too hard. Most men have learned to withdraw and damage our most important relationships when they are upset. Anger turned inward is depression, and depression in adult men looks like cynicism, moodiness, exhaustion, and withdrawal.
“What does it take to be successful, satisfied, and a man in today’s corporate world?”
Many men who have achieved significantly in their lives still live subject to the emotional turmoil of the next economic downturn or unfavorable critique from the new boss. In spite of stellar results, setbacks disproportionately affect our self-esteem in a negative way. How is it we have defined ourselves, as men, that no amount of success makes us immune to the whims of corporate ups and downs?
Pre-requisites for this course are:
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Returning participants – $4,500