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October 16 - October 17


This very special workshop is open to graduates of Women Moving Forward® and to women who have taken our more advanced workshops.

Advanced Women Moving Forward® is 2 days long. The primary focus is to take you from where you ended up after Women Moving Forward® and move you further forward in both your personal and work life.

You will focus on the following areas:

  1. Discovering Or Actualizing Your Purpose In Life
  2. How To Lead A More Purposeful Life In Your Current Job/Life
  3. How To Use Your Intention To Get The Results You Want At Work (And In Life)
  4. Completing and Making New Declarations About Yourself


  • How to deal with organizational structure and power.
  • Identifying your purpose, goals and objectives at this point in your life.
  • How to adjust your way of dealing with work and relationships to live out your purpose and reach your goals.
  • Completing the next level of relationships to move on in your work and life.
  • Contributing to other women like yourself and being contributed to by those women.

Women who take this workshop will be clear about how to use these areas to have their work be more effectively with a higher level of results.  Women who take this workshop will be better able to motivate others from a deeper level of commitment.

This workshop and Women Moving Forward® are the prerequisites to attending the Women’s Leadership Retreat©.

There is a maximum of 10 spaces available in this workshop.

Print pdf flyer for Advanced Women Moving Forward®


October 16
October 17
Event Tags:


Westlake Village, CA
CA United States


Susan Van Vleet