Retirement is one of the biggest life transitions. People study for hours, have advisors, and read books on making sure their money will be OK in retirement and almost no time thinking about will they be OK in retirement. Hence the newest Susan Van Vleet Consultants© course Retiring with Satisfaction©. Ten years ago, I had a very successful entrepreneur tell me that retirement was the single worst decision he had ever made. It was a brief encounter, but I did glean that he had done no real preparation psychologically for this huge transition.
Famous quarterbacks aside, retirement isn’t the “permanent vacation” that we fantasize about. We are likely to live a long time now, after we retire, if you have something to retire to. But what is that?
Here’s what we will be working on in this course:
This course will be full of exercises, reading and group discussion to illuminate the issues above and much more.
This course will be taught in an unusual format – virtually one day a month for 4 months. Two hours of individual consulting time included in the course fee, available for one year from the end of the course.