From downsizing, to mergers, to changes in work systems and technology, to increase responsibilities on individuals, the old contract for how work is done is being changed. The question is – will people successfully adjust to these changes or be overwhelmed by them, taking productivity and profits with them?
In the 20+ years that we have been offering Managing Corporate Change©, the course has helped individuals and organizations adjust to change in a variety of settings – all with impressive results. Procter & Gamble used Managing Corporate Change© in nine different locations, often training every level of the organization.
When Hewlett Packard was faced with a large reorganization, people were resisting all the changes and production goals were not being met. After the employees and managers attended Managing Corporate Change©, the individuals become so productive that the overall project came in ahead of schedule when that was considered a total impossibility.
Quoting from a letter from the project manager, “The feedback from our employees who attended the Managing Corporate Change© workshop was the best I have seen in over 20 years of HP management experience in an organization that does a great deal of training. Comments ranged from ‘… the most singularly useful thing I have ever experienced…’ to ‘…I have no idea the cost of the program but it’s worth every penny…’.“
The overall effect of the course will be people who can respond to changes with more flexibility, less resistance, and a greater ability to be responsible for themselves and less dependent on the organization for their health and well-being. Managing Corporate Change© is offered in two specific formats for managers and technicians.
- The first thing that happens to people when they are faced with change is they have a reaction. Most programs on change totally ignore this face. This is the first thing we address. If people don’t get over their fear, anger, anxiety, or resentment, THEY DON’T HANDLE THE CHANGE WELL – no matter how logical and beneficial the change may be.
- Participants will learn a disciplined, critical thinking technique so they can actually turn the change into something useful for themselves.
- Participants will learn requesting skills to get them beyond the normal ‘up by your bootstraps, do it on your own’ approach to causing action.
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